My kids watched an animation movie of a monster in the closet. After the movie, my elder
one looked okay but my 5-year-old seemed a little jittery to go to his room. He
came to me asked if I could put his blanket and be with him till he sleeps. He
wanted me to tell him a story and put him to sleep.
I followed him to his room. He got into his bed and I helped him
pull his blanket. I slept next to him and started patting his forehead to put
him to sleep. Every few moments, he would open his eyes look at me and stare at
the closet. Finally, he asked if I could close the closet door. I closed the
closet door and slept next to him again patting his head. He seemed a little relaxed
after I had closed the closet door.
I felt I should give him some words of encouragement for him to
overcome his fear.
Me: You know, there are no monsters. It’s all only in the movies. There
are no monsters and ghosts in real life.
My son opened his eyes and looked at me. I asked him to close his
eyes and sleep continuing to pat his head.
Me: You remember that superhero movie we watched? Have you seen
any superhero flying outside? No right? Same way. There are no ghosts or
monsters or superheroes. It’s all only in the movies.
My son: Yes, I know
This was encouraging. He opened his eyes again and looked at me.
Me: You are a brave kid. Look at yourself. You are only 5 but you
sleep alone. If there is really such thing as a monster, you can fight it all
by yourself.
My son: Can I really do that? (Now he was excited)
Me: Sure you can. Who will protect your sister and mama and papa
if a monster really comes?
My son: So I can fight like a superhero?
I nodded my head.
My son: But I don’t have a wand nor can I fly.
Me: You are brave and you don’t need a wand nor you need to fly to
fight the monster.
His eyes were now wide open and there was a new found courage
showing on his face. I felt proud having instilled courage and confidence in my
My son: Papa, are you scared to sleep alone?
Me: No I am not. I am the papa of the bravest boy. Why will I be
My son: Then why do you always sleep next to mama?
I went blank. All my thoughts of
courage fell flat. I looked at his face and he was waiting for me to answer but
no answer came up in my head.
My son: Or is it, you sleep next to mama because mama is scared?
I was tempted to say “Yes” (actually SHOUT Yes) but stopped
myself. I did not want to lie to him. And even if I did lie now, just to answer
his question he will figure it out when he asks his mama tomorrow, and she
denies. I didn’t want to set a bad example to him that his papa lies.
I was in a dilemma. I was thinking what to answer.
My son: Papa; is mama scared? Is that why she sleeps next to you?
Me: Ah.. Err… (I had no answer. I had to change the topic and FAST)
Me: Sleep now please. It is late. You want to come walking with me
tomorrow evening right? You have to sleep now, else you will be all tired and
you will not be able to walk.
I was pretty much silent from that point on. No more encouraging
thoughts or words popped in my head. I continued patting him until he fell
asleep. Knowing him, I am sure he will ask me this same question tomorrow or
some other time until he gets an answer.
I had walked into my sons’ room to allay his worries and fill him
with confidence. I walked out of his room a worried man.
~Narendra V Joshi
1 comment:
Good one Narendra
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