We were at the dinner table with my daughter next to me. She was in her own blissful world playing with her toys totally uninterested in food. To make her eat, I said, “if you don’t eat, the ant will come and take your food”. She usually listens when I say the ant will come or a polar bear will come; but this time she did something new. She looked at me and said “Papa, God is seeing you”. For a moment I was so scared, I could not utter a word. I finished my dinner without looking at her or asking her to have food. She might have learnt this at her preschool but this was something I least expected.
A few days back she showed me the clock and said “Papa, look, Y”. The hour, minute and the second needle on the clock were in a position which looked like the alphabet Y. She is just 2 ½ year old and I am surprised how different her perspective is. I am sure every father will have his own share of learning’s from his kids; and it’s just amazing how much I am learning from her. Watching her play, I often feel like I am re-living my childhood in her steps.
To my daughter Akshara!
As I held her for the first time and blew a tiny kiss.
Looking through those sleepy beautiful eyes
Felt as if I had clinched to my own life.
At home she was an instant star
Our lives evolved to her rhymes and the baby choirs.
She soon was the priority in every decision of our
A vacation break or a restaurant run were no more a quick get over.
Despite the changes that have happened in our lives
The joy she has brought is beyond every blessings and praise
Her actions and words often make my mind prep
Re-living my childhood in her every step.
~Narendra V Joshi